
All posts tagged balance

day#40 Fat vs. ugly – TV srew you!

Published April 2, 2012 by mydayswithoutchocolate

Sometimes I am wondering, what producers of the afternoon program think what they are about to sell…

Besides the daily soaps, which are soooooooo “real” they try to find a good way to talk to ladies: they made the street test! Fat vs. ugly…

They took a nice girl, making her wear a fat suit and try to pick up boys phone numbers…then they took her in her slim body and made her ugly in the face with fatty hair…who won? the fat girl with beautiful face..and then they said: “girls dont be so harsh to your little rolls, boys love a beauty face more than a figure. What they didnt mention: good shaped girls with good looking face…*ha of course boys would prefer this one to any of the others. So what do we learn out of this trial? –  of course! it doesnt matter if you are fat or ugly, ur unattractive both ways. :O

So now what to do? Just think: SCREW YOU! You are beautiful the way you are! even with more gold on your hips, ass or elsewhere. If you think you have to much, you can do some sports and eat healthy and you may lose a bit, but never forget you are the person who you are. People like you because of that! Beautiful doesnt mean she is smart, bigger doesnt mean she is ugly. You are you, and this is beautiful. Tell it to you in the mirror. Yell at the TV: Srew you! -They just know how to make us feel bad! Stop thinking, start living! Feel happy 😀

fightingly yours


day#38 Thanks to sport, now I know what’s punishment

Published March 30, 2012 by mydayswithoutchocolate

Can you imaaaaagine? I have done sports two days in a row and now … BAAAAAAM.

I couldn’t even get out of my clothes without pain. On day 2 I needed to roll out of my bed cause everything hurt! Every step – NO!EVERY MOVEMENT was a punishment @.@ but one funny thing: in the supermarket, i did not even thought about buying chocolate, cause it was in the upper shelf *hahaha

anyway in another drugstor it was on hip level *moahaaaaaa I bought easter chocolate and put the bunny in my kitchen shelf…there it is waiting for eastern *hehehehe it is watching me, and i am watching it! It even prepared the chocolate eggs for me ❤ If I will get him a girlfiend, does it mean I get small little chocolate bunnies?

Something else stupid happened to me? I stopped counting.

I start giving myself rules for eating: morning breakfast: push ups, lunch: sit ups, dinner: nothing, cause I will do more exercises in combination 😉 when ever I wana have a snack, I do work for my arms. It start working ^^ It is hard to keep up, I need to force myself, but it is fine! Only thing is: it will look stupid doing it at work, so I need to think about another option…maybe jumping to lunch time? *haha

Guys my papers are putting me into jail…I am just sitting in front of my PC doing nothing else than writing!

Keep up staying cool minded ^^

Writingly yours
